Tuesday, 16 November 2010

Is medication the answer?

Medication seems to be a really sensitive subject when I discuss anxiety, depression and agoraphobia with other sufferers, some people swear by it and others will avoid it at all costs but is it really the miracle cure we are looking for?!

I know when I first got diagnosed with depression I was very young I had just turned 14, the doctor wanted to prescribe me anti-depressants but because I was so young he had to send me to a psychiatrist in order to monitor how I was doing and to make sure medication was the right solution. I remember being totally horrified at the idea of being on anti-depressants so young I was worried how it would affect me and I worried that the other kids at school would think I was a freak. I was dead set against taking them but my Mum and Dad urged me to give it a shot as they wanted me to get better.

What do you think about children being prescribed anti-depressants? Do you believe it is wrong. I know when I was younger and a little more innocent I disagreed with it totally, I made my Mum's life a living hell I would pop the pill down the sink or toilet and say I had taken it so to be honest I never really gave it a chance as it never really got into my system.

I know some people who aren't educated when it comes to mental health problems look down their nose at those using medication to help them but the way I see it, why not? If it helps then great everyone is entitled to their own way of coping.

I have been prescribed many different tablets and I have had a horrible time with some, which put me off trying new tablets. The doctor prescribed me beta blockers and I flat out refused to even try them. Have any of you taken beta blockers, what is your opinion on them?

This year I have suffered really bad with my anxiety and eventually it got so bad I was willing to try anything so I decided to go back onto my medication, I am on citalopram 20mg but they started me out on 10mg so I could ease myself into the tablet. I have to say it is one of the best things I have ever tried it seems to have completely changed me as a person, I don't get so depressed any more and my panic attacks are quite rare, although that being said I am still completely agoraphobic I still fear the idea of going outside as I worry that I might have a panic attack and not be in a safe environment.

For those of you who don't want to take medication at all I don't disagree with your choice as doing something such as taking a tablet when you are not comfortable with it could make the anxiety worse! What tips do you use to cope? 

I have discovered  a website through one of the members of my support page on facebook, there are 2 free downloads an ebook and an audio recording I recommend anyone reading this to go check it out, as it has helped me and it is support for those who wish to keep away from medication:


As always let me know your thoughts :)


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