Hiya everyone, I know it has been a while since I did a blog post. In fact it has probably been a while since any of you heard from me. I know I have some of you added to my personal Facebook and so I am able to chat to you but a lot of people don't have my Skype or Facebook added so I felt I should do this blog to explain what has been up with me lately.
Okay, so a couple of weeks ago I made 2 video's and uploaded them to my youtube channel, I got really positive feedback so I decided to make it a regular thing, I promised you all I would continue to make my videos but I didn't stick to that so I apologize. Some of you may know I had my lip pierced and it became very swollen and bruised so I was unable to talk hence I didn't make a video. My lip is back to normal now luckily.
I suffer from depression as well as anxiety and although my anxiety has improved so much lately I feel as though I have been a little more depressed than usual, I think this is down to my sleeping patterns. It is no secret that I struggle so much with my sleep, I will stay up until 8am then sleep all day and my cycle will be turned upside down totally. When this happens I tend to become more depressed as I am spending all of my time alone in my room not talking to many people. I don't get to see daylight either because I sleep all day and when I wake up it is dark which obviously doesn't help.
With my depressive episodes I shut people out too, I don't really speak to anyone which is why I haven't been keeping up with my group, although there is no excuse. I am still feeling pretty down at the moment but I have these kinds of episodes where I become depressed but it never lasts forever. I promise to make a video ASAP and to get myself back on track.
So yeah the only reason for this blog was to kind of explain where I have been. Sorry everyone and I hope you all know you can inbox me, email me, message me anytime you need me. I promise to get back to my group and get everything running again.
Thanks for reading this and having patience with me,
emma ; i hope you feel much better soon ; just reading this you sound more possitive hun a good thing ; i am hopeing to go away this weekend depending on one of my birds results as to weather she should travel ; so look forward with catching up soon and take care xx