Saturday, 4 September 2010


I feel awful as I haven't updated my blog at all lately but I have kind of had a pretty full on week. It was my birthday last week and I turned 19 I was  feeling really blue about my birthday this year as I hated the idea that I might have to spend it in the house. Luckily I was able to go to my nana's house to see her for a while my Mum drove me, there were a couple of hiccups along the way I had a couple of panic attacks in the car but all in all I think I did pretty well I was quite proud of myself.

On the night I held a party at home for my friends and family which was totally nerve racking I was dreading the fact that my house would be crowded and that I wouldn't be able to get any alone time if I needed it, my house is my safe place and sometimes I am not comfortable with the idea of having a lot of people around, my friends and family insisted and said it would do me the world of good.

I would say my party was quite a success I kept away from alcohol all night though as I wanted to be fully alert but everyone else had a drink and I hope they enjoyed themselves. It was a good night a couple of people commented and told me how proud they were of me as I spent most of the night downstairs mingling however when I did feel nervous I just went to my bedroom for a while and pulled myself together.
I guess I am just lucky that my friends and family are so supportive, they all made such an effort so a quick thank you to everyone who made my day special if you are reading this :) 

After my party when everyone was winding down I went on a walk at like 3 in the morning with a couple of my friends, we didn't go too far but I loved it, it was so quiet and peaceful which appealed to me and helped slightly with my anxiety. Anyways I don't want to ramble on too much so I will leave it there, I have so much more to tell you all but that can wait :)



  1. Well done Emma, and being supported and understood by family and friends is very important in your recovery. When I was at a low (really low) (in 2002) I was even afraid to answer the telephone and only ever walked to the front gate. I have lived in a rural village since 1986 and before that in a town with my parents until I lost them both in 1984 (Dad) and 1986 (Mum). Talking to people does actually help and brings you out of yourself, especially your loved ones.

  2. well done to you emma ; and you had a great day too xx
