Friday, 20 August 2010

Friday Night

I just thought I would write a blog about Friday nights for me as they are a huge deal. My anxiety for whatever reason always reaches its peak on a Friday night, I think it is because it is when I feel most frustrated. I am 18 and I should really be out with my friends, going for meals or a drink or to see a movie but I'm not doing any of those things. I am stuck in the house and I can only imagine the fun my friends are having. 

I try to pass the night watching television and movies but its Friday nights that I feel most lonley. I kind of like to shut myself away in my room and keep to myself most nights but on a Friday I would say I am worse. 

It bothers me also because the next day is Saturday and before I was bad Iived for Saturdays, I loved to shop even if I had no money I would spend hours trawling the shops with my best friends trying on clothes I wished I could afford and applying all the testers to my face from the make up counters. Sometimes we would just walk around the local museum and even though I had been there a million times before I always found something new and interesting there.

I hate Saturdays now, from the inside it seems like the sun always shines and I am missing out. I know that shopping isn't important and that I am not missing anything but I feel like I want to be out there in amongst the crowds, people bumping into me and hearing the blur of a million conversation rushing past me.

I try my hardest to fill my Saturdays with fun I usually have a sleepover on the night or do some online shopping but it just isn't the same. To all you agoraphobics out there what day do you miss the most? Because I miss Saturday the most. I can't wait until I get better because I can guarantee I wont spend a single weekend in the house :)


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